開始日期: 2024-01-12
課時安排: 2周專業預修與在線科研+10天面授科研+5周在線論文指導
適合年級 (Grade): 高中生/大學生
適合專業 (Major): 法律、法社會學、法理學、國際法、法律哲學、憲法、行政法等專業或希望修讀相關專業的學生;建議學生需要具備法律事務與政策背景知識。
牛津大學 University of Oxford終身正教授&中心主任
Denis是牛津大學社會與法律研究終身正教授,隸屬于牛津大學Wolfson College?,F任牛津大學Oxford Global Society 中心主任,曾任牛津大學Socio-Legal Studies研究中心主任十五年之久。2014-2019年期間,Denis教授擔任牛津大學法學院“一帶一路”One Belt One Road (OBOR)共同發起人兼項目主任。Denis教授也是錫耶納外國人大學歐洲公共法研究的 Jean Monnet講席終身正教授,普林斯頓大學國際事務學院的客座教授。 Denis教授曾是牛津大學Jesus College導師,以及南安普頓大學和悉尼大學的法律學相關機構的主席,他還曾在布達佩斯的中歐大學擔任過幾年的客座教授。
Denis教授是法律、司法和社會基金會的董事會成員,該基金會是隸屬于牛津大學Wolfson College社會法律研究中心的獨立機構,總部設在牛津大學Wolfson College,其目標是研究法律在當代社會中的作用,并將學術研究的成果帶給更多的法律學家。
Denis教授在法律學的研究方向非常廣闊,在東歐新民主國家的憲法、公法、政府關系和公共行政方面有相當豐富的經驗,并曾與國際經合組織(OECD)、開放社會(Open Society)和世界銀行(World Bank)合作。Denis教授與英國國際發展部合作,參與了巴基斯坦的憲法調整和法律改革。
Denis is Professor of Socio-Legal Studies Emeritus at Oxford University and a Professorial Fellow Emeritus of Wolfson College. He was for many years the Jean Monnet Professor of European Public Law at the Universita’ degli Studi di Siena and a Visiting Professor at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University.
Professor Denis held various positions at Oxford University, including director of Centre for Social-Legal Studies (CSLS, 1993-2008), co-founder and director of programmes of Foundation for Law, Justice and Society (FLJS, 2005-2020), and One Belt One Road (OBOR) Programme of Faculty of Law (2014-2019). Other earlier positions he held include director of Centre for Policy Studies Central European University and Dean of the Law Faculty of Southampton University.
Professor Denis is a member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation for Law, Justice, and Society, an independent institution affiliated with the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies and based at Wolfson College Oxford, whose objective is to study the role of law in contemporary societies and bring the fruits of academic research to a wider professional audience.
Professor Denis has considerable experience of constitutions, public law, government, and public administration in the new democracies of east Europe and has worked with the OECD, the Open Society, and the World Bank.
He was involved in constitutional and legal reform in Pakistan in collaboration with the British Department for International Development.
Professor of Socio-Legal Studies 1993 - 2017
Director of the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies 1993 - 2008
University of Oxford, and Professorial Fellow, Wolfson College, 1993- continuing
牛津大學(University of Oxford),簡稱“牛津”(Oxford),位于英國牛津,世界頂尖的公立研究型大學,采用書院聯邦制。其與劍橋大學并稱為牛劍,是羅素大學集團成員,被譽為“金三角名?!焙汀癎5超級精英大學”。牛津大學的具體建校時間已不可考,但有檔案明確記載的最早的授課時間為1096年,之后在1167年因得到了英國皇室的大力支持而快速發展。 牛津大學是英語世界中最古老的大學,也是世界上現存第二古老的高等教育機構。該校涌現了一批引領時代的科學巨匠,培養了大量開創紀元的藝術大師、國家元首,其中包括28位英國首相及數十位世界各國元首、政商界領袖。牛津大學在數學、物理、醫學、法學、商學等多個領域擁有崇高的學術地位及廣泛的影響力,被公認為是當今世界最頂尖的高等教育機構之一。從1902年起,牛津大學還設立了面向全世界本科生的“羅德獎學金”。截止至2019年3月,牛津大學的校友、教授及研究人員中,共有72位諾貝爾獎得主(世界第九)、3位菲爾茲獎得主(世界第二十)、6位圖靈獎得主(世界第九)。
The course will begin by studying the nature of society and the nature of law, and then analysing how they relate to each other. Issues here include the social functions of law and the form of law; the law-making process and the conditions for law's being effective and why it often fails in its purpose. The concept of the rule of law will be studied and its function in society. The course will then examine select areas of law, showing the distinctiveness of each, the purpose and function, the social goals. Studies will be conducted of selected areas of law, in particular constitutional law, administrative law and regulation, criminal law, and International law. The aim in each case to understand the nature, purpose, and effectiveness of each.
法律的“本性”和社會的“本性”Nature of law and nature of society
Importance of understanding the relationship between law and society
當代社會中法律的功能Function of law in society
Why law is necessary in structuring and controlling actions and relationships
法治與法規對于社會的意義以及功能體現The rule of law and its social function
The social value of the rule of law
法律體系的形成,不同種類的法律解讀The legal system and types of law
Categories and types of law and the social function of each
法律的具體領域 Specific areas of law
Constitutional law, administrative law and regulation, criminal law, civil law, and public international law
法治社會的形成:將各種元素組合起來Law and Society: assembling the elements to form a complete picture
The relationship between law and society as a whole
數字領域的法律治理,數字時代中虛擬世界對傳統法律的挑戰Governance of the digital sphere
對法律和社會問題的批判性思考與分析Critical thinking and analytical skills in legal and social issues
項目回顧與成果展示Program Review and Presentation
論文輔導 Project Deliverables Tutoring
優秀學員獲主導師Reference Letter