開始日期: 2024-01-12
課時安排: 2周專業預修與在線科研+10天面授科研+5周在線論文指導
適合年級 (Grade): 高中生/大學生
適合專業 (Major): 機器人學、機械工程、自動化、航空航天、農業工程等專業或對以上領域感興趣的學生。有編程基礎的學生優先
佐治亞理工學院 Georgia Tech (Gatech)終身教授&項目主任
Nader導師于1988年加入佐治亞理工學院,現任George W. Woodruff機械工程學院終身教授及機器人博士項目主任,Nader教授在加州大學伯克利分校取得碩士及博士學位,并曾任加州大學伯克利分校機械工程系講師?,F任 IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation、IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control和ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control等知名學術期刊的審稿人。發表100多學術文章以及出版多本書籍,多次參與IEEE和ASME的相關會議并擔任主席或項目委員會副編輯(詳情見附件)。早期研究工作主要在機器人和自動化領域。他在這一領域的主要貢獻在于開發了一類用于非線性機械系統的自適應和學習控制器,其中包括能使機器人像人類一樣能夠通過實踐來學習重復的任務,且不需要精確的模型機器人操縱器。后來工業生產證明,實現這種學習控制器可以在不顯著增加成本或復雜性的情況下顯著提高工業機器人的性能,并有潛力提高自動化制造系統的準確性、自主性和生產率。除了機器人技術,導師還曾開發一種類似的用于調節復印機感光器的速度學習控制器。 Dr. Nader's early research work was in the field of robotics and automation. His major contribution to this field was the development of a class of adaptive and learning controllers for nonlinear mechanical systems including robotic manipulators. This work, which evolved from his doctoral research, enables a robot to learn a repetitive task through practice, much like a human being, and without requiring a precise model. He later demonstrated that implementing this learning controller can significantly improve the performance of industrial robots without significantly increasing their cost or complexity, and has the potential to improve the accuracy, autonomy, and productivity of automated manufacturing systems. In addition to robotics, he developed a similar learning controller for speed regulation of copier photoreceptors as part of a project sponsored by the Xerox Corporation. Dr. Sadegh began at Tech in 1988 as an Assistant Professor.
機器人學是與機器人設計、制造和應用相關的科學。又稱為機器人技術或機器人工程學,主要研究機器人的控制與被處理物體之間的相互關系。自從1961年在美國誕生世界上第一臺工業機器人以來,機器人技術飛速發展,應用領域日益擴大,呈現出多樣化和智能化的發展趨勢。隨著工業自動化和計算機技術的發展,機器人開始進入大量生產和實際應用階段。項目將圍繞著機器人學中的核心理論與技術展開。Robotics is a science related to the design, manufacture and application of robots. Also known as robot technology or robot engineering, it mainly studies the relationship between robot control and the object to be processed. Since the birth of the world's first industrial robot in the United States in 1961, the robot technology has developed rapidly, and the application field has expanded day by day, showing a diversified and intelligent development trend. With the development of industrial automation and computer technology, robots begin to enter the stage of mass production and practical application. The project will focus on the core theories and technologies in robotics.
本項目將介紹機器人在工業領域的應用現狀、問題和前景展望。并逐步探究機器人的自主移動原理,包括:機器人結構、機器人運動學、傳感與控制等機器人學概論,還將介紹在未知環境中操作機器人的核心技術SLAM以及機器人的運動規劃與增強學習控制等內容,項目結束時提交成果。This project will introduce the application status, problems and prospects of robots in the industrial field. And gradually explore the principle of robot's autonomous movement, including robot structure, robot kinematics, sensing and control and other robotics introduction. It will also introduce the core technology of operating robots in unknown environments, such as SLAM, as well as robot's motion planning and enhanced learning control, and submit the results at the end of the project.
機器人學概述:機器人在工業應用的現狀、問題和前景展望 Introduction to Robotics
機器人動態和靜態基礎分析 Kinematics and Static Analysis of Robotic Manipulators
可移動機器人的動態控制原理 Kinematics Analysis and Control of Mobile Robots
SLAM技術簡介:了解SLAM以及如何操縱在未知環境中的機器人 Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)
機器人運動規劃和強化學習控制理論基礎簡介 Robot Motion Planning and Reinforcement Learning Control
項目回顧與成果展示 Program review and presentation
論文輔導 Project deliverable tutoring
優秀學員獲主導師Reference Letter