開始日期: 2024-01-12
課時安排: 2周專業預修與在線科研+10天面授科研+5周在線論文指導
適合年級 (Grade): 高中生/大學生
適合專業 (Major): 宏觀經濟學、發展經濟學、社會經濟學、政治經濟、可持續發展、國際經濟研究、移民經濟、人口經濟、管理經濟、勞動經濟、性別研究等專業或者希望修讀相關專業的學生
牛津大學 University of Oxford終身教授
Vlad is a economic geographer, whose research agenda revolves around geographical political economy ---a transdisciplinary study of spatialities, landscapes, and contested futures of modern capitalism, its varieties, development trajectories and alternatives. Empirically, over the past twenty years, his research interests have expanded from the middle-income post-communist urban and regional economies of eastern Europe (esp., Polish Upper Silesia and the Ukrainian Donbas) to encompass the local development phenomena observed in high-income western Europe, and far beyond. Since 2003, he has produced well over 100 research outputs, containing books; articles in top peer-reviewed journals, including Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society; Cities; Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space; Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space; Journal of Economic Geography; Oxford Review of Economic Policy. He currently serves on the editorial boards of Eurasian Geography and Economics and Chinese Geographical Science.
Vlad’s research has so far generated well over £7 million in external research funding, with £1.7 million as a Principal Investigator. At Oxford, he has served as the Consortium Lead and Principal Investigator of the Smart Shrinkage Solutions (3S RECIPE) research programme (€1.7m, 2017-2020) funded by the Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe and the UKRI Economic and Social Research Council.
Vlad holds a PhD in Political Economy from Darwin College, the University of Cambridge (2005); an MA in International Relations and European Studies from the Central European University (CEU, 1999); and an MA (1998) and a BA (1996) in International Relations from Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv. He joined the Oxford University Department for Continuing Education (OUDCE or ContEd) in January 2017 to take up the Associate Professorship in Sustainable Urban Development, alongside the Research Fellowship in Sustainable Urban Development at St. Peter’s College, Oxford. From February 2018 until September 2021, he served as Continuing Education Director of Graduate Studies for Postgraduate Research Students (DGS Research). In 2015, he was appointed by the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development to a high-level expert group of 200 urbanists worldwide to provide UN-Habitat with independent policy recommendations on key issues related to sustainable urban development.
Aspects of Vlad’s research and analysis have been discussed and featured in the BBC News, BBC News 24/World TV, BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 5 Live, BBC World News, CSSN - Chinese Social Sciences Net, The Daily Telegraph (UK), Expresso (PT), The Financial Times, Forbes Magazine in various countries across the globe.
Over the past twenty years, he has taught and supervised undergraduate, graduate, and MBA students at ten different higher education institutions across the UK, Europe, and Central Asia, including the Universities of Cambridge, Glasgow, Nottingham, Birmingham. At Oxford, Vlad makes a full contribution to the Department’s flagship MSc in Sustainable Urban Development (MSUD) Course, regularly contributing to its teaching weeks (modules) and co-leading Teaching Week M1 Introducing Sustainable Urban Development, and M6 Urbanism, Community and City-Building. Vlad serves as a course admissions officer, a personal tutor to MSUD students, and regularly assesses their course assignments. In addition, since 2017, he has supervised 21 MSUD dissertation students.
牛津大學(University of Oxford),簡稱“牛津”(Oxford),位于英國牛津,世界頂尖的公立研究型大學,采用書院聯邦制。其與劍橋大學并稱為牛劍,是羅素大學集團成員,被譽為“金三角名?!焙汀癎5超級精英大學”。牛津大學的具體建校時間已不可考,但有檔案明確記載的最早的授課時間為1096年,之后在1167年因得到了英國皇室的大力支持而快速發展。 牛津大學是英語世界中最古老的大學,也是世界上現存第二古老的高等教育機構。該校涌現了一批引領時代的科學巨匠,培養了大量開創紀元的藝術大師、國家元首,其中包括28位英國首相及數十位世界各國元首、政商界領袖。牛津大學在數學、物理、醫學、法學、商學等多個領域擁有崇高的學術地位及廣泛的影響力,被公認為是當今世界最頂尖的高等教育機構之一。從1902年起,牛津大學還設立了面向全世界本科生的“羅德獎學金”。截止至2019年3月,牛津大學的校友、教授及研究人員中,共有72位諾貝爾獎得主(世界第九)、3位菲爾茲獎得主(世界第二十)、6位圖靈獎得主(世界第九)。
This course is about globalization and connections across space; uneven geographical development; and the importance of place. Its key aim is to introduce learners to the core geographical themes of social analysis: spatial patterns; the distinctiveness of place; connections across space; and territorial power. By learning about the interconnected nature of space, economy, and the social relations involved, students will be better prepared to face some important changes occurring in the world today: the disruptive shift in global economic power; new forms of global (dis)integration; new environmental challenges; continued dynamism in the development of new technology; and new forms of work.
地理因素與經濟發展 Conceptual Foundations – the basic building blocks of geographical analysis and economy
資本主義經濟要素分析(公司、勞動與消費)Key Economic Actors – Economic processes: firms; workers; consumers; and capital.
國際政治影響與經濟Governing the Economy –By institutions that shape and regulate economic actors and processes.
社會與文化研究 Social and Cultural Dimensions
項目回顧與成果展示Program Review and Presentation
論文輔導 Project Deliverables Tutoring
優秀學員獲主導師Reference Letter